
Wedding site

This service offers you the opportunity to have a 100% professional site, with the graphics that you have chosen for your wedding!

Graphic design coordinated with your invitations!

The website of your wedding will have the same graphics and typography as your paper invitations. You will not have to waste time to understand how to structure a website, just send us the texts, the photos and the rest we will provide.


You will have a functional site, easy to navigate and designed to be displayed on all devices: from fixed computers, to tablets and smartphones.

What is included in the service?

The structure of the web page is fixed.
Colors, decorations and characters will be those chosen for your invitations for a cohesive graphics.


Domain and hosting included for 1 year.


Photos and videos of the couple and the locations.

Program of the day

The various stages of the day, from the celebration to the restaurant…


Countdown to the wedding date.


Custom text based on the event.

Addresses and times

Info of the event, with timetables and location addresses.

Wedding list

Link to your Wedding Registry (for example Amazon).

Form for

To receive confirmation of the presence of the guests, directly to your email.

You don’t know what to expect?

Watch the demo site

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